Bartending School Scams: The Facts They Don’t Want You To Know

Bartender Training

Nov 14

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Now to his credit he’s a great teacher, and I learned a great deal from him about how to teach a class, but did you hear that fact there…never done it himself in a real bar, ever.

I’m thinking…Shouldn’t that be a requirement for this guy to run his business? And this school was an Accredited School.

He actually admitted to me that he had made up every story he’s ever told his students about his bartending experience and where he’s worked in the past. He was lying to your face to get your money.

I didn’t know what to say.

And this wasn’t some hole-in-the-wall-school, we did have the highest enrollments and best reviews in Southern California at this school.

And people pay $300-$400-$500 or more for this?

Does this seem off to you?

Does this mean that bartending schools don’t have anything good to offer? Of course not.

Like I’ve said many times, most of them do offer very comprehensive information about alcohol, beer, and drink recipes.

But again, the problem is the information is actually too comprehensive and over whelming, to the point that you’ll likely never use a large portion of it.

So then I ask again, why pay for what you may never use?


Now some of this stuff can be cool if you want to be an über bar nerd, but you need to remember who matters in the real world.

Two people…

1. Your boss.

2. Your customers.

Thats it. Those are the only two people who will ever matter when you’re working in a real bar.


This is important to remember because…

1. At least at first with the places you’ll first start out, your boss probably doesn’t generally really care what you call how you pour (build) your drinks… they just want you to make a good drink fast and sell lots of them…


2. Your customer is just a normal person, like you and me. So let me ask you, have you or your friends or any of your family or extended family ever ordered a drink “nails” or with “satin pillows”?

I highly doubt it.

Shoot, most bartenders don’t even know what those terms mean. I challenge you, go ask your favorite bartender what “satin pillows” or “nails” means. I guarantee 99.9% of them will tell you that nails are what you use to build a house and satin pillows are what you pull out on valentines day!

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About the Author

Jason Shurtz is the Creator and Founder of The Bartending Blueprint website and the BartendingPro YouTube Channel and has over 15 years experience as a bartender and bar manager in some of the busiest bars in Southern California. When he's not working behind the bar, Jason can be found chasing large surf and bottomless powder days around the globe.

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