Getting The Job pt 2 – The Approach

Mar 20

If I had to pinpoint one spot where people drop the ball the most when applying for bartending jobs it would definitely be on the approach. In the service industry, if you approach an establishment incorrectly you send the wrong message. Sending the wrong message is always bad and will always be game over for you.

In part 2, you will see everything you need to know for thee most effective approach and how to avoid sending the wrong message...

    • The Best Times to Approach. There is a small 1-2 hour window that you must hit otherwise you'll never talk to the right person who can hire you. The trick is knowing what time to go in to which type of bar (the best time to approach a club is not the same time you would approach a pub or divebar).
    • Exactly Who You Talk To. This is HUGE. Did you know that current employees at the establishment you are applying for won't always want to help you. Many, many times I've seen co-workers take an application only throw it in the trash as soon as the applicant walked out the door. In their eyes you are potential competition for them!
    • The Four Manager Objections. There are really only four main manager objections. I'll tell you what they are and exactly how to get over and around each of them. This is important because it kills the anxiety of the know basically everything they'll want to know, so there is no fear.
    • The Three Manager Hot Buttons. These are GOOD hot buttons. You'll get a view from inside the managers mind by understanding what they want from you, but also ALL of their employees (this is pretty sneaky, most employees never even think about this).
    • Real World Examples. I'll show you some examples of this working in the real world.
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