Getting The Job pt 1 – The Plan

Mar 20

Here's where you start taking those very important first few steps towards a bartending job by incorporating a plan of attack. As with anything in life, the cliché quote apply's well here: "If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail." Read that again because its so simple that its easy to miss the point.

Thats why we have a plan for you built right into the Bartending Blueprint (BB) program. In part 1, you will create your plan and see...

    • How to Use Free Websites like yelp and craigslist to find every bar that could be hiring in your town.
    • The Best Types of Bars to Work at (no, they're definitely not all the same...). This will probably surprise you.
    • Know Your Competition, then see how to eliminate them completely.

Grab a pen or pencil and a piece of paper and a comfortable seat in front of your computer. Press play, stopping the video if you need to take notes. Watch it again if you need to...what ever it takes to make it stick. It's pretty easy so not to worry 😉

And as always, have fun!!

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